cascade raptor center

Multi-page Site Redesign

full case study
Image Manipulation
graphic design


Address multiple user needs quickly, while increasing the professionalism and personality of the brand.

about cascade raptor center

The Cascades Raptor Center is a nature center and wildlife hospital in Eugene, Oregon that specializes in raptor rehabilitation and public education. The center is a fixture in the community. You can see their ads around town and in area publications - their banners even greet you at the airport.

project intro

Building on a previous branding project, I redesigned the Cascade Raptor Center's site to communicate their different services more clearly and better facilitate business goals.
Work shown was executed by myself, from sketches to Webflow. I used a UI library for components, which I modified heavily, and I sourced photos from Adobe Stock which I treated for brand voice.


Home Page
Blog Page
Blog Detail Page
Contact Page
About Page
+ Six Additional Pages
+ Custom Brand Graphics

ux exploration

Empathy-based exercises enable us to provide the Cascade Raptor Center with the best work we're capable of! In this phase, I analyzed the experience of visiting a conservation center, enumerating the pains and goals of the user. I built out user personas that helped me keep in mind the needs of site users. These techniques provided anchor points for me on my journey to a solution.


Analyzing the current site with my user's needs in mind made pain points apparent. Upon analysis, my priorities would be:
  • Design for multiple user types
  • Address hierarchy issues
  • Provide clear information on hours, programs, volunteering, and donations for potential visitors
  • Keep irrelevant information off the home page
  • Avoid resembling competitors
  • Maintain a professional tone and branding
  • Create a more professionally branded site to reduce bounce rate

From these personas, we were able to work out a problem statement.

problem statement

As a visitor I want clear information on hours, programs, volunteering, and donation so that I can get involved.

competitive analysis

In pursuit of a solution, I conducted a competitive analysis. In doing so, I noticed techniques that would help my client as well as some to avoid.

teton raptor center

  • The layout is simple and scannable.
  • Categories creep above the fold.
  • While the muted, neutrals are appropriately earthy for a nature themed business, the visual presence could call more attention.
  • Very succinct phrases here are accomplishing much of what our client is looking to do. This site is a proof of concept, simplifying content and spreading it over a wider area.

Additional Inspiration

With preliminary analysis complete, we can begin to make informed visual decisions.

branding exploration

In a previous branding project, I styled the assets of the Cascade Raptor Center to resonate with its target audience and reflect the awe-inpiring traits of birds of prey.

I focused on pushing the personality of the brand, while ensuring that it remains enjoyable and approachable, especially for families.

I selected three typefaces that could speak to every corner of this audience:

Above: To showcase the new direction of brand personality, I developed a typographic pattern that is expressive, engaging, and in some sections educational.

Below: Further demonstrating the range of the new brand voice, I created a social media campaign based on the surprising and uncanny abilities of raptors.

lo-fi diagrams

With plenty of user information and design inspiration in mind, I sat down with a sketchbook.
From the beginning, I envisioned large, possibly moving, elements that personify these dynamic creatures.

into software

After my wireframes were complete, I hopped into Webflow. I chose to use a UI library, and took advantage of the platform CMS to quickly build content.

final screens


About, Volunteer


Raptors of Oregon



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Anthony Welch - Portfolio & Insider's Guide